How to Overlay Tweets on Instagram Reels

There is a trending post on social media right now. People overlay tweets from Twitter to describe their content. Twitter has been a source of different quotable quotes or golden 2 cents of a person. Sometimes it is funny, and sometimes it will make you reflect on your current situation. With this trend, you can tweet a famous person or a social media personality and put on your content.

The trend of overlaying tweets in your content has been going on for some time now. Before, people just captured the tweet and shared it across their social media. Now, they can use the tweet as part of their content. Overlaying is essentially putting in the screenshot of the tweet “on top of” the picture or video you want to post.

An overlay tweet will help you put context on your photo. Sometimes, these tweets can help you give context to your photos or videos. Or sometimes, you can just put in the quote because it is from a famous personality you idolize or know.

Edit Overlay Tweet With ShotCut Free Video Editor on Android

Many would think that this overlay tweet trend is done sophisticatedly. Some might think that this is done with professional video editing software. However, there are a lot of free apps out there that you can use to edit and overlay tweets to your photo or video.

ShotCut is a free video editor you can download on your mobile phone. It will let you edit any videos or photos that you want to put across your social media accounts. ShotCut is an easy-to-use video maker, complete with trendy video effects. Editing a video has never been this easy.

ShotCut video editor has powerful video editing functions such as video trimming, splicing, and splitting. It also has a lot of video effects that you can use. Video overlay is best if you plan to jump into the trend and overlay tweets into your content.

Changing speed is also easy with ShotCut. You can also add music to your videos, whether you want to use what is in the library or use your music. Sharing videos on your social media accounts is easy with ShotCut. You can now edit the content you post on Instagram, Tiktok, and other social media platforms.

ShotCut is very easy to use because of its beginner-friendly interface. You don’t have to be intimidated by videos that seem like they were created professionally. You can create these overlay tweet videos easily by using ShotCut. No need for training or any professional tools.

How to Overlay Tweet in Video?

Using ShotCut, you can easily overlay a tweet into your video or photo. Just follow the simple steps. Watch our tutorial video on YouTube to learn how to overlay tweet and blend into videos!

  1. Open your ShotCut app and choose your background in the library. You can also upload any video or photo as your background. ShotCut library has a wide selection of background photos that you can use. And if you choose to upload your own material, it is also easy to upload one.
  2. To add your tweet, tap “Overlay” on the option. Then choose the screenshot of your chosen tweet to overlay on the background. Crop your screenshot according to the desired size. You can also change the size and position by dragging the photo in its corner.
  3. You will see the overlay photo timing below. Adjust the timing accordingly so it will sync in the picture. This function is useful, especially if you have a piece of background music that you want to be synced with your content. Or your content is a video, and you want the tweet or quote to be synced with the video.
  4. Use the blend option to make the tweet seem embossed in the background. Click “Blend” among the options and select “Screen” so it will have the same background as the original background.
  5. Once you are happy with everything, you can now export your video and post it on any of your social media accounts. Posting the content on your social media account is very easy with ShotCut.

Create Overlay Tweet With ShotCut Free Video Editor Now!

ShotCut will help you create videos that seem to be edited by professionals or using professional tools. And because it is very user-friendly, it will be easy for anyone to edit and post videos on their accounts. The best thing about ShotCut is that it can be downloaded for free on Android phones. Now you don’t have to worry about editing videos and think you only need your computer to edit this. You can now easily edit videos on your phone.

Hop in on the trend and overlay tweet using ShotCut and post it on your social media accounts. This trend is easy to do with ShotCut.

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